Bill Backstrom

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Louisiana Department of Revenue Announces an “Extraordinary Measure” to Continue Certain Sales Tax Exemptions for Non-Profits and Educational Institutions

On January 16, 2025, the Louisiana Department of Revenue issued Revenue Information Bulletin No. 25-009 announcing the “extraordinary measure” of continuing to administratively recognize two exemptions related to nonprofits and school-related admissions to athletic and entertainment events that apparently were inadvertently repealed (effective January 1, 2025) during the recent special session of the Louisiana Legislature. … Continue Reading

Big SALT Changes in the Louisiana Legislature

Unless otherwise indicated, all bills noted below have been passed by the legislature and are waiting on signature or veto by the governor. Our discussion of each bill assumes the bill is or becomes law. SB1 by Senator R. L. Bret Allain, II TAX/FRANCHISE/CORPORATE:  Phases-out the corporate franchise tax. SB 1 reduces the corporate franchise … Continue Reading

Louisiana Announces a New “Transfer Pricing Managed Audit Program”

The Louisiana Department of Revenue (the “Department”) released Revenue Information Bulletin No. 21-029 announcing the “Louisiana Transfer Pricing Managed Audit Program.”  Beginning November 1, 2021, eligible corporations may request to participate in the program in order to resolve intercompany transfer pricing issues with the Department. Newly registered taxpayers, existing taxpayers, and taxpayers currently under audit … Continue Reading

Louisiana Department of Revenue Grants Sales Tax Relief Related to COVID-19

Today, the Louisiana Department of Revenue published Revenue Information Bulletin No. 20-012 (May 22, 2020), which provides automatic relief from late filing and late payment penalties (La. R.S. 47:1602) and negligence penalty (La. R.S. 47:1604.1) with respect to state sales tax returns for March 2020 and April 2020, which were due on April 20, 2020 … Continue Reading

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

We hope everyone is enjoying Cinco de Mayo! Here are crawfish enchiladas prepared by Sue Zemanick, owner of Zasu in New Orleans and a James Beard Award winning chef, and a shot (or two) of some amazing tequila, complements of Jay Adams. We enjoyed the enchiladas with perfect margaritas – of course with SALT! And … Continue Reading

Louisiana Tax Commission Issues Additional Guidance on Hearings and Property Tax Filing Deadlines

Today, in compliance with Proclamation No. JBE 2020-41, which was issued by Governor Edwards on April 2, 2020, the Louisiana Tax Commission (LTC) issued Statewide Advisory 03-2020 providing for the continued suspension and continuance without date of all LTC appeal hearings. The LTC will continue to meet telephonically to consider ad valorem property tax change … Continue Reading

Louisiana Tax Commission Issues Guidance on Hearings and Property Tax Filing Deadlines

Today, in compliance with Proclamation No. JBE 2020-30, which was issued by Governor Edwards on March 16, 2020, the Louisiana Tax Commission (LTC) issued Statewide Advisory 02-2020 suspending and continuing without date all LTC appeal hearings. The LTC will continue to meet telephonically to consider ad valorem property tax change order requests, tax sale certifications … Continue Reading

Louisiana’s New Remote Sellers Law: What Does H.B. 547 Have in Common with a Box of Donuts?

As members of the Jones Walker SALT Team sat around the table in our office kitchen staring into a box of donuts provided by our firm on National Donut Day (the day after the close of the 2019 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature), we pondered this question: what does that box of tasty treats … Continue Reading

Another Great Time at SEATA!

Among the super-hot SALT topics at the 2018 SEATA meeting in Nashville were the impact of recent federal income tax changes on state income taxes and the aftermath of Wayfair. Along with two colleagues, I presented at a session focusing on “game-changing” cases in the various Southeastern states. At another session, the topic was so … Continue Reading

Louisiana CAT Cannot Claw Its Way Out of Committee: Bill Voluntarily Deferred by Sponsor

The hotly contested new Commercial Activity Tax (“CAT”) proposal in Louisiana – H.B. 628 – may now have officially run out of lives. After hours of debate over two days of hearings in the Louisiana House Ways & Means Committee, Governor Edwards’ (D) proposed CAT was voluntarily deferred by the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Sam Jones.  … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Announces 2017 Budget Stabilization Plan

Standing on the edge of a $1.3 billion fiscal cliff, Governor John Bel Edwards (D‑La.) announced his 2017 Budget Stabilization Plan, which he intends to pursue during the 2017 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature beginning on April 10, 2017.  The Plan notes that Louisiana is operating under a broken, outdated system, “that just simply does … Continue Reading

Louisiana Discussing Possible New Gross Receipts Tax As Part of Upcoming 2017 Regular Legislative Session

Louisiana is at it again! Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards and the Louisiana Department of Revenue are now seriously discussing and considering the recommendation of legislation to create a new gross receipts tax in Louisiana.  The Governor’s administration will likely be presenting this gross receipts tax option to the Louisiana Legislature as part of the … Continue Reading


PAUL H. FRANKEL – SALT OF THE EARTH AND BEYOND   If you are reading this blog post, it is far more likely than not that you have been touched by the greatness of Paul H. Frankel, who passed away overnight between February 27th and 28th. In fact, without Paul’s influence on many SALT professionals … Continue Reading

Louisiana Joins Fray in National Debate Over Online Remote Seller Sales Tax Nexus

Originally published by Tax Law360. Taxation by states of out-of-state online retail sales remains a hotly contested issue.  Louisiana is now part of that national sales tax nexus conversation. In March of 2016, during a special legislative session called by new Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) to address the State’s current budget shortfalls, the … Continue Reading

Feast or Famine: Texas Legislature Approves $3.8B Tax Cut; Neighboring Louisiana Legislature Still Grapples with $1.6B Budget Gap

As the Texas Legislature wraps up its legislature session today, June 1, 2015, the Texas Legislature has approved a number of tax cuts to be sent to Governor Abbott. These tax cuts are expected to provide $3.8 billion in relief to Texas businesses and homeowners. First, the Texas Legislature adopted H.B. 32, which creates a … Continue Reading

First Circuit Declines Second Bite at Utelcom Apple

On Friday, the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal issued its highly-anticipated opinion in Cynthia Bridges, Secretary, Department of Revenue v. Polychim USA, Inc.  In Polychim, the First Circuit considered whether the district court properly granted summary judgment in favor of the Louisiana Department of Revenue  (the “Department”) in its holding that Polychim was subject … Continue Reading