Today, in compliance with Proclamation No. JBE 2020-41, which was issued by Governor Edwards on April 2, 2020, the Louisiana Tax Commission (LTC) issued Statewide Advisory 03-2020 providing for the continued suspension and continuance without date of all LTC appeal hearings. The LTC will continue to meet telephonically to consider ad valorem property tax change order requests, tax sale certifications and similar matters.
In addition, the Advisory explains that JBE 2020-41 continues the suspension of the statutory April 1, 2020 deadline for filing personal property renditions with local assessors (for property owners other than public service companies) and annual reports of public service companies with the LTC to at least April 30, 2020.
Public service companies that file annual reports for public service properties with the LTC should be able to rely on the extension provided in the Advisory.
As noted in our prior post, for all other owners of personal property that are required to file renditions with the local assessor, we previously provided the following best practices:
- File your rendition with the local assessor on or before April 1, 2020; or
- Request in writing (an e-mail should suffice) an extension of time not to exceed 30 days from the local assessor and obtain a written (an e-mail should suffice) confirmation of any such extension granted by the local assessor (La. R.S. 47:2324 provides that upon written request, the local assessor may grant an extension of time to file a personal property rendition of up to 30 days).
In order to avoid penalties, including but not limited to the potential loss of rights to contest the assessor’s determination of fair market value of the subject property, property owners must file the required renditions/reports on a timely basis. Property owners must be vigilant every year, but especially this year, to timely file all renditions (local assessors) or annual reports (LTC).