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Governor Landry Announces Special Session to Address Tax Reform

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry announced today that he will call a special session in November to consider significant tax reform.  While details of the plan have not been released, he did indicate that the proposal would expand sales taxes on services, including on lobbyists. The Governor indicated that the “package” would be sent to legislators … Continue Reading

Loper Bright Is Fuel for Future State Transfer Pricing Challenges

Bloomberg Tax In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the US Supreme Court overturned the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine, which instructed courts to defer to any reasonable agency interpretation of an ambiguous law. This move has led many in the state and local tax community to consider the potential impact on state agencies authorized with administering revenue statutes. Although Loper Bright‘s exact … Continue Reading

Curious Developments in New Jersey Audits

Great analysis by my colleague, Katie Quinn, on New Jersey’s request for quotes for transfer pricing consultants. New Jersey transitioned to combined reporting, why do they anticipate a need for transfer pricing assistance moving forward? Quinn said the timing of the notice was curious because New Jersey switched to combined reporting, which requires related entities … Continue Reading

Tax Department Leaders Discuss Retroactive Legislation at NYU

Last week at the NYU Intermediate Summer SALT Seminar, tax department leaders from across the country participated in a roundtable discussion, addressing topics such as department staffing, information sharing among states, and — everyone’s favorite — the fairness of retroactive legislation. My partner, Alysse McLoughlin, moderated the panel. On the topic of retroactive legislation, Amanda Hiller, the acting … Continue Reading

Cat’s Out the Bag: First Look at the Louisiana Secretary of Revenue’s Tax Reform Plan

On July 11, 2024, the Secretary of Revenue for the State of Louisiana, Richard Nelson, briefed a joint meeting of the Louisiana House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee on the administration’s tax proposals for a potential limited constitutional convention later this summer and the upcoming 2025 Louisiana Legislative … Continue Reading

Louisiana Heads Toward Fiscal Cliff – Time for Tax Reform

As Louisiana heads towards a fiscal cliff, the Department of Revenue has been tasked with developing a plan to avoid the cliff and to address long called-for tax reform. Richard Nelson, Secretary of the Department of Revenue, reports that his Department is 1) reviewing approximately 200 sales tax exemptions for possible amendment, 2) reviewing the possibility … Continue Reading

Louisiana Tax Commission Sets Dates for 2025 Rules and Regulations Sessions

For anyone interested in Louisiana property tax issues, the Louisiana Tax Commission has given notice of the dates for its annual Rules and Regulations hearings. Any interested party can submit a proposal to amend the current regulations to the Commission during this process. The Commission accepts written proposals that are presented in an open Commission … Continue Reading

State Transfer Pricing Defense Needs Deep Section 482 Analysis

Bloomberg Tax Multinational corporations have long battled the IRS and other nations’ taxing authorities over their transfer pricing arrangements. But transfer pricing examinations and disputes at the state level can be even more challenging due to a lack of consistency and transparency, particularly in states that require entities conducting a unitary business to file separate … Continue Reading

Intercompany Transactions in Separate Reporting States

Reprinted from Tax Notes State, April 22, 2024 It’s hard to believe it’s been over five years since the Maryland Court of Special Appeals held in Staples Inc. that an out-of-state parent could be subject to tax in the state by virtue of royalty payments made by in-state related entities despite all intercompany transactions being … Continue Reading

Governor-elect Jeff Landry Announces Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue

Governor-elect Jeff Landry announced today appointments to the Louisiana Department of Revenue. “I am happy to make these announcements today, and I look forward to working with these highly qualified individuals,” said Governor-elect Jeff Landry. “I have confidence that their experience, knowledge, and leadership will greatly benefit our state.” Background: Richard Nelson-Secretary of the Louisiana … Continue Reading

New York Formally, and Finally, Proposes Regulations Concerning 2015 Corporate Tax Reform

The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance has formally proposed its 2015 corporate tax reform regulations under the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA). The regulations have been submitted for publication in the August 9, 2023 edition of the State Register.  These regulations have a long history. There were several iterations of the draft … Continue Reading

Louisiana Franchise Tax Phase-Out Vetoed by Governor

Louisiana Senate Bill 1 of the 2023 Regular Session, which provides for a phase-out of the Louisiana corporation franchise tax, has been vetoed by Governor Edwards. SB 1 by Senator Allain would have reduced the franchise tax by 25% per year, provided certain benchmarks for deposits into the Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund were met until … Continue Reading

Big SALT Changes in the Louisiana Legislature

Unless otherwise indicated, all bills noted below have been passed by the legislature and are waiting on signature or veto by the governor. Our discussion of each bill assumes the bill is or becomes law. SB1 by Senator R. L. Bret Allain, II TAX/FRANCHISE/CORPORATE:  Phases-out the corporate franchise tax. SB 1 reduces the corporate franchise … Continue Reading

New York ALJ Narrows the Definition of “Sale” for Apportionment Purposes

In Matter of Sunoco Inc. (R&M) Combined Affiliates, a Division of Tax Appeals Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) determined that Sunoco’s sale of oil pursuant to buy/sell arrangements was not a “sale” for purposes of computing Sunoco’s New York State Article 9-A sales factor.   The ALJ’s determination was based upon her finding that Sunoco was exchanging the … Continue Reading

Budget Bill would Shake Up Tax Litigation in New York

The New York Budget Bill, SB.4009/A.B.3009, introduced on Sunday includes a provision allowing the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance (“Department”) to appeal determinations of the Tax Appeals Tribunal to the New York State Appellate Division under certain circumstances. Currently, the Tax Law allows only the taxpayer to appeal determinations of the Tax Appeals Tribunal. Specifically, … Continue Reading

Mississippi Moves Forward with Remote Software Sales Tax Legislation

The Mississippi House of Representatives yesterday amended S.B. 2449 to adopt comprehensive provisions regarding the sales and use taxation of remote software and related services.  This amendment codifies the Department of Revenue’s existing regulation that “computer software maintained on a server located outside the state and accessible for use only via the Internet is not … Continue Reading

Mississippi Legislature Takes Up Pass-Through Entity Election Technical Corrections Bill

The Mississippi Legislature has taken up two bills this session [HB 1668 / SB 3102] intended to correct several technical issues contained in last-year’s pass-through entity (“PTE”) election legislation.  See our prior coverage of the original PTE legislation here and here, as well as concerns about estimate payment penalties here.  As of this date, both … Continue Reading

John Fletcher Quoted in Law360 Articles Regarding Interstate Commerce and Business Input Software

Jones Walker SALT partner, John Fletcher, was quoted in the article “Calif. Pork Law Fight May Guide Post-Wayfair Tax Challenges,” published by Law360 on October 14, 2022. The article covers an ongoing US Supreme Court Case regarding interstate commerce, previous tax litigation, and whether California’s importation of pork from other states violates a voter-approved initiative … Continue Reading

Addendum – Estimated Tax Payments: Mississippi Follows the National Pass-Through Entity Tax Election Trend — Start Now to Make a 2022 Tax Election

Addendum – Estimated Tax Payments:  Just after our article went to press, we received some informal guidance from the DOR regarding estimated tax payments that presents a bit of a conundrum for those considering the PTE election.  As explained below, it may be necessary to make duplicate estimated payments at both the entity and partner/member … Continue Reading