Tag Archives: Tax Reform

Jeff Birdsong Presents at Tulane University Law School’s 73rd Annual Tax Institute

Jeffrey Birdsong presented at Tulane University Law School‘s 73rd Annual Tax Institute on November 13. Jeff’s presentation “State & Local Tax Rundown” discussed key updates and recent topics in Louisiana SALT, including the 2024 Regular Legislative Session, tax reform, transfer pricing, ITEP developments, and litigation.… Continue Reading

Louisiana Heads Toward Fiscal Cliff – Time for Tax Reform

As Louisiana heads towards a fiscal cliff, the Department of Revenue has been tasked with developing a plan to avoid the cliff and to address long called-for tax reform. Richard Nelson, Secretary of the Department of Revenue, reports that his Department is 1) reviewing approximately 200 sales tax exemptions for possible amendment, 2) reviewing the possibility … Continue Reading

Louisiana Secretary of State Announces Rescheduling of Upcoming Tax Reform Vote to November 13

Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin has now announced the rescheduling of the upcoming tax reform constitutional amendment votes and other Fall elections, which were to be held October 9.  The Fall elections and related tax reform votes are now scheduled to be held November 13. This change was recommended by the Secretary of State … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Has Now Signed Law Removing 20-Year Carryover Limitation on Net Operating Loss (NOL) Deduction for Corporate Income Tax Purposes

Louisiana’s Governor, John Bel Edwards, has now signed into law SB 36 (enacted as Act 459), which eliminates the prior 20-year carryover period limitation imposed on the available deduction for net operating losses (NOLs) for Louisiana corporate income tax purposes. Act 459 amends La. R.S. 47:287.86(B) to provide that all NOL deductions claimed on any … Continue Reading

Louisiana’s Proposed Sales Tax Centralization Constitutional Amendment Has Passed the Legislature and Now Goes to a Vote of the People

Louisiana House Bill 199, which would create a more centralized state and local sales tax collection system in Louisiana, has now been adopted by the House and Senate after negotiation in conference committee. The legislative information regarding HB 199 can be found here. The applicable  conference committee report proposed by the appointed conference committee conferees, … Continue Reading

New Louisiana De Minimis Mobile Workforce Exemption Bill Goes to Conference Committee

The Louisiana Legislature has now sent to conference committee proposed legislation (SB 157) that would exempt the wages of certain nonresident employees from Louisiana individual income taxation, and their employers from withholding and reporting requirements, if the employees only worked in Louisiana for fewer than 25 days in a calendar year. If SB 157 becomes … Continue Reading

Save the Date! Join us for a Legislative Update Webinar

With a business-friendly state legislature in Louisiana, significant pro-business tax reform remains front and center on the state’s legislative agenda for 2021. The upcoming legislative session is a fiscal session; therefore, the focus is almost exclusively on tax legislation; many tax bills will be filed and heard, and the scope of the tax session will … Continue Reading

JW SALT Team Presents Webinar: Legislative Update 2020 – Get the Scoop on Louisiana’s Efforts at Tax Reform

With a heavily business-friendly state legislature, before the pandemic, significant pro-business tax reform was on the legislative agenda. Please join members of the Jones Walker SALT team and special guest Senator R.L. “Bret” Allain, II, Louisiana State Senate, as we discuss what did pass, what did not, and what the future may hold for further … Continue Reading

Louisiana Remote Seller Commission Issues Second Information Bulletin – RSIB 18-002 – Addressing Definition of “Remote Seller” and Further Guidance to Remote Sellers

The Louisiana Sales and Use Tax Commission for Remote Sellers (the “Commission”) has now officially issued its second information bulletin – Remote Sellers Information Bulletin (“RSIB”) 18-002 – which provides a general definition for “remote sellers,” as well as further administrative guidance regarding current and future registration, collection, remittance, and reporting requirements for “remote sellers.” … Continue Reading

Not So Fast: Louisiana State and Local Sales Taxes in a Post-Wayfair World

As word spread about the Supreme Court’s opinion in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., Dkt. No. 17-494, 485 U.S.        (June 21, 2018), tax administrators around the country popped open bottles of champagne and began toasting the end of the “physical presence” substantial nexus standard.  The sounds of celebration were, at least initially, particularly deafening in … Continue Reading

The Taxman Cometh: Mississippi Sales and Use Taxes in a Post-Wayfair World

In December 2017, the Mississippi Department of Revenue finalized a new sales and use tax regulation addressing remote sellers and establishing a $250,000 bright-line nexus standard. The department began that process in January 2017 by issuing a proposed regulation and refined it following a public hearing held in February. The regulation positioned the state to take … Continue Reading

Louisiana Department of Revenue Issues New “Taxable Rate” Chart to Explain State Sales Tax Changes Following Enactment of Recent Tax Revenue Bill

The Louisiana Department of Revenue has now issued a revised “Taxable Rate” chart (Form R-1002) to provide the Department’s understanding of the new Louisiana state-level sales/use/lease tax rates following the Louisiana legislature’s enactment of the sales tax revenue measure Act 1 (HB 10) in the recently-concluded third special session of the legislature, effective July 1, 2018. A … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Issues Call for Second Special Session of 2018 to Address Fiscal Cliff

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) has now issued his anticipated call for a second special legislative session in 2018 (from May 22nd to June 4th).  This 14-day special session is meant to address a stated $648 million budget shortfall, commonly known as the “fiscal cliff.”  This will be the sixth special session called since January of … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Calls Special Legislative Session to Address Tax Issues and Looming “Fiscal Cliff”

It’s now official.  Louisiana Governor Jon Bel Edwards (D) has finally released his Call for a special legislative session to begin February 19th and conclude March 7th.  The Call, released today, February 9, 2018, is intended to allow the Louisiana legislature to address the long-term issue of its current taxing and spending structure, as well as the … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Provides Draft of 2018 Tax & Budget Priorities to Address Looming Fiscal Cliff and Long-Term Tax Reform

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) recently met with leaders from the Louisiana Legislature to discuss his draft 2018 Tax & Budget Priorities, including recommendations for how the State should address the long-term issue of its current taxing and spending structure, as well as the short-term issue of the $1 billion “fiscal cliff” looming in … Continue Reading

Jones Walker LLP and the BCNO Host Discussion on Federal Tax Reform led by Derek Theurer, Tax Counsel to U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy

Jones Walker LLP and the Business Council of New Orleans and the River Region recently hosted a discussion on federal tax reform and its potential impact on businesses and individuals. The discussion was led by Derek Theurer, Tax Counsel to U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy, M.D. Sen. Cassidy serves on the Senate Finance Committee and will … Continue Reading

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch Speaks on Tax Reform

On February 1, 2017, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) delivered a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in which he reaffirmed that Republicans are committed to reforming the current tax system. Chairman Hatch noted that there is now an “administration that wants to work with Congress to fix the … problems in … Continue Reading