The Mississippi Legislature has taken up two bills this session [HB 1668 / SB 3102] intended to correct several technical issues contained in last-year’s pass-through entity (“PTE”) election legislation. See our prior coverage of the original PTE legislation here and here, as well as concerns about estimate payment penalties here. As of this date, both … Continue Reading
Addendum – Estimated Tax Payments: Just after our article went to press, we received some informal guidance from the DOR regarding estimated tax payments that presents a bit of a conundrum for those considering the PTE election. As explained below, it may be necessary to make duplicate estimated payments at both the entity and partner/member … Continue Reading
This year, a number of state legislatures considered and passed legislation that creates a pass-through entity (PTE) tax as a workaround to the $10,000 cap on the state and local tax (SALT) itemized deduction. Nearly 30 states have enacted a PTE tax. Mississippi is one of the more recent states to join the ranks. Beginning … Continue Reading