Tag Archives: Income Tax

Louisiana Businesses – Pay Attention to the March 29 Vote on Business Inventory Taxes

Louisiana voters will decide on March 29 whether to approve more than 100 pages of revisions to the state constitution related to ad valorem taxes and other fiscal issues. For businesses that operate in Louisiana, one aspect of the proposed reform relates to the taxation of inventory.   Louisiana is one the few states that … Continue Reading

Jones Walker Presents Annual State & Local Tax Seminar in Houston, TX on October 3 – Registration Open!

Thursday, October 3, 2024 | Houston, Texas The Jones Walker LLP State and Local Tax Team is back in Houston, TX with a day-long program on Thursday, October 3, 2024, titled Jones Walker: Viva Las Vegas! What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas – but taxes follow you everywhere. This state and local tax seminar will provide practical and solution-focused tax guidance … Continue Reading

Cat’s Out the Bag: First Look at the Louisiana Secretary of Revenue’s Tax Reform Plan

On July 11, 2024, the Secretary of Revenue for the State of Louisiana, Richard Nelson, briefed a joint meeting of the Louisiana House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee on the administration’s tax proposals for a potential limited constitutional convention later this summer and the upcoming 2025 Louisiana Legislative … Continue Reading

Louisiana Franchise Tax Phase-Out Vetoed by Governor

Louisiana Senate Bill 1 of the 2023 Regular Session, which provides for a phase-out of the Louisiana corporation franchise tax, has been vetoed by Governor Edwards. SB 1 by Senator Allain would have reduced the franchise tax by 25% per year, provided certain benchmarks for deposits into the Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund were met until … Continue Reading

Big SALT Changes in the Louisiana Legislature

Unless otherwise indicated, all bills noted below have been passed by the legislature and are waiting on signature or veto by the governor. Our discussion of each bill assumes the bill is or becomes law. SB1 by Senator R. L. Bret Allain, II TAX/FRANCHISE/CORPORATE:  Phases-out the corporate franchise tax. SB 1 reduces the corporate franchise … Continue Reading

New Automatic Filing Extensions for Certain Louisiana Taxpayers

In the 2022 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session, the Louisiana Legislature enacted Act 410, modifying the deadlines for filing partnership, fiduciary, and corporate income tax returns. Specifically the Act obsoleted the process by which most taxpayers obtained extensions of time to file. These changes were then implemented by the Louisiana Department of Revenue (the Department) in final regulations … Continue Reading

Mississippi Legislature Takes Up Pass-Through Entity Election Technical Corrections Bill

The Mississippi Legislature has taken up two bills this session [HB 1668 / SB 3102] intended to correct several technical issues contained in last-year’s pass-through entity (“PTE”) election legislation.  See our prior coverage of the original PTE legislation here and here, as well as concerns about estimate payment penalties here.  As of this date, both … Continue Reading

Louisiana Department of Revenue Updates Partnership Reporting Requirements

In the 2021 Louisiana Regular Legislative Session, the Louisiana Legislature enacted Act 287 making wholesale changes to the Louisiana income tax reporting and audit regime for partners and partnerships.  Effective June 2021, the Act’s updated reporting obligations were made applicable to 2021 returns filed in 2022, prompting a need for guidance with respect to how … Continue Reading

Mississippi House Revisits Income Tax Phase-Out for 2022

Today the Mississippi House of Representatives filed and passed out of the Ways and Means Committee H.B. 531 which appears to represent the House leadership’s income tax elimination proposal for the 2022 session.  The bill, which is 294 pages long, appears to have the following primary features: Quantifies the amounts by which actual fiscal year … Continue Reading

Louisiana Department of Revenue Grants Additional Automatic Extensions For Certain Eligible Businesses and Individuals Impacted by Hurricane Ida

The Louisiana Department of Revenue has now issued Revenue Information Bulletin (RIB) 21-024 automatically granting additional extensions to taxpayers in certain Louisiana areas impacted by Hurricane Ida for certain taxes that were due on or after August 26, 2021. The Department’s new RIB specifically explains which taxpayers are eligible for automatic extensions, by tax type. … Continue Reading

Louisiana Department of Revenue Issues Guidance on Income Tax Relief (and Notice Requirements) for Hurricane Ida Relief Work by Nonresident Businesses or Employees

The Louisiana Department of Revenue has now issued Revenue Information Bulletin (RIB) 21-020, which provides certain income tax relief (and notice requirements) relating to Hurricane Ida relief work performed in the State by nonresident businesses or employees. Louisiana law (Act 358, 2017 Reg. Sess.) provides for an income tax exclusion from either gross income or … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Has Now Signed Law Removing 20-Year Carryover Limitation on Net Operating Loss (NOL) Deduction for Corporate Income Tax Purposes

Louisiana’s Governor, John Bel Edwards, has now signed into law SB 36 (enacted as Act 459), which eliminates the prior 20-year carryover period limitation imposed on the available deduction for net operating losses (NOLs) for Louisiana corporate income tax purposes. Act 459 amends La. R.S. 47:287.86(B) to provide that all NOL deductions claimed on any … Continue Reading

New Louisiana De Minimis Mobile Workforce Exemption Bill Goes to Conference Committee

The Louisiana Legislature has now sent to conference committee proposed legislation (SB 157) that would exempt the wages of certain nonresident employees from Louisiana individual income taxation, and their employers from withholding and reporting requirements, if the employees only worked in Louisiana for fewer than 25 days in a calendar year. If SB 157 becomes … Continue Reading

How to Accidentally Renege on Tax Incentives Agreements – the Consequences of Mississippi Income Tax Repeal

Mississippi’s proposal to repeal the state’s individual income tax portends to surreptitiously renege on many of the state’s existing tax incentives agreements.  One of Mississippi’s more valuable economic development tools is the Advantage Jobs Program providing a cash rebate to certain businesses that create high-paying new jobs in the state.  The rebate is based on … Continue Reading

Mississippi House Passes Massive Sales Tax Increase on Business Inputs

Within a 24 hour period, the Mississippi House of Representatives introduced and passed a bill to repeal the individual income tax, but at a cost of massive increases in sales taxes imposed on business inputs.  H.B. 1439 would phase out the individual income tax by gradually increasing the personal exemption over an undefined period of … Continue Reading

Mississippi DOR Sets July 15 Income Tax Filing Deadlines

This morning the Mississippi Department of Revenue issued a notice reversing course and setting Mississippi’s income tax filing deadlines for July 15 to coincide with the federal due dates. This applies to individual, corporate and fiduciary returns, and covers return extensions as well as estimated payments for both Q1 and Q2. We now have an … Continue Reading

In Response to COVID-19, Alabama Department of Revenue Extends Deadlines to July 15, 2020 for Filing and Payment of Alabama Individual Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Financial Institution Excise Tax, and Business Privilege Tax

Today, March 23, 2020, the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) issued an Order in response to the COVID-19 crisis confirming that the due date for filing Alabama state Individual Income Tax or Corporate Income Tax (collectively, “State Income Tax”), Financial Institution Excise Tax (FEIT), or Business Privilege Tax (BPT) returns and making corresponding State Income … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Issues Call for Second Special Session of 2018 to Address Fiscal Cliff

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) has now issued his anticipated call for a second special legislative session in 2018 (from May 22nd to June 4th).  This 14-day special session is meant to address a stated $648 million budget shortfall, commonly known as the “fiscal cliff.”  This will be the sixth special session called since January of … Continue Reading

Louisiana Governor Provides Draft of 2018 Tax & Budget Priorities to Address Looming Fiscal Cliff and Long-Term Tax Reform

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D) recently met with leaders from the Louisiana Legislature to discuss his draft 2018 Tax & Budget Priorities, including recommendations for how the State should address the long-term issue of its current taxing and spending structure, as well as the short-term issue of the $1 billion “fiscal cliff” looming in … Continue Reading

Much Ado About Nothing: Louisiana’s 2017 Regular Session Legislative Wrap-Up

The Louisiana Legislature’s 2017 Regular Session has now concluded, and as previously reported, numerous tax measures were proposed.  Ultimately, however, much of the proposed legislation addressing long-term tax reform was largely rejected by the Legislature during the Regular Session, leaving questions currently unanswered as to how the state will ultimately address the long-term issue of … Continue Reading