Jones Walker SALT partner, John Fletcher, was quoted in the article “Calif. Pork Law Fight May Guide Post-Wayfair Tax Challenges,” published by Law360 on October 14, 2022. The article covers an ongoing US Supreme Court Case regarding interstate commerce, previous tax litigation, and whether California’s importation of pork from other states violates a voter-approved initiative regarding in-state meat sales. John discussed the case in relation to the US Supreme Court’s decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, which allows states to tax purchases from out-of-state sellers. He addressed the possible burdens placed on amateur sellers to comply with additional state sales tax regimes and reviewed the Justices’ attitudes toward the costs and benefits of interstate commerce.

John was also quoted in the article “Miss. Shouldn’t Tax Software Used as Biz Input, Report Says,” published by Law360 on October 3, 2022. The article discussed the implications of Mississippi providing sales and use tax exemptions for business input software and cloud computing services, and John explained that the state would be prohibited from automatically imposing a tax on software with an administrative service that used to be tax-free.