A call to action from our friends at COST:
COST and the Mobile Workforce Coalition urge you and your company leadership to send letters during the week of March 5 asking the House and Senate leadership to enact the Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act as soon as possible. The Coalition is working to add the Mobile Workforce legislation to one of the funding bills currently before Congress. The House version of the Mobile Workforce Act (H.R. 1393) passed the full House via voice vote on June 20, 2017, and the Senate version (S. 540) currently has 60 Senate cosponsors, including Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) as lead sponsors. Please use this sample letter as a template to draft a letter on your formal letterhead to the following four offices, plus to your home-state Senators. Of course, feel free to tailor your letters to reflect your company’s unique issues, including number of employees affected, costs of compliance, and other relevant and applicable data.
- House Speaker Paul Ryan
H-232 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
SEND EMAIL TO: Casey Higgins, Assistant to the Speaker for Policy, casey.higgins@mail.house.gov - House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy
H-107 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
SEND EMAIL TO: Brandon Consolvo, Senior Policy Advisor, brandon.consolvo@mail.house.gov - House Majority Whip Steve Scalise
H-329 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
SEND EMAIL TO: Dan Sadlosky, Policy Director, dan.sadlosky@mail.house.gov - Senate Leader Mitch McConnell
S-230 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515
SEND EMAIL TO: Brendan Dunn, Policy Advisor & Counsel, brendan_dunn@mcconnell.senate.gov
The Mobile Workforce Act would greatly reduce the current nonresident personal income tax compliance burden imposed both on employees who travel for short periods outside of their state of residence and on their employers by setting a uniform 30-day threshold. COST and over 300 companies and organizations in the Mobile Workforce Coalition have worked tirelessly for over 10 years to get this common sense and bipartisan solution enacted. COST and the Mobile Workforce Coalition will also send letters to the Congressional leadership next week to ask them to place the Mobile Workforce Act on any viable legislative vehicle and support its passage as soon as possible. You can also use this grassroots portal on the Coalition website to send letters of your own to your Senate offices.
For more information or help with getting your message to the Congress, please contact Aziza Farooki or Liz Malm with the Mobile Workforce Coalition.