
Jones Walker SALT Team members Jay Adams, Bill Backstrom, and Katie Friel will present at the 22nd Annual Paul J. Hartman State & Local Tax Forum October 27-29, 2015 in Nashville, TN.

Jay Adams will co-present “What the “L”, Local Taxes.” Locally imposed and/or state taxes administered by decentralized local governments cause numerous tax issues including assessments, collections and procedural issues, which exponentially increase the complexity of a taxpayer’s compliance obligations. This session will assist taxpayers to develop a framework for addressing the problems caused by the aggressive application of local taxation.

Bill Backstrom will co-present “Hidden Clawbacks in Economic Development – What the States Giveth/The States Can Taketh Away.” Bill’s presentation focuses on traps for the unwary that may have a significant impact on the overall value of credits and incentives.

Katie Friel will present Louisiana state and local tax developments as part of the “Southeastern States Updates.”